Join Today!
If you’d like to work with members of your community to preserve Hood County’s past while we move forward into a bright future that cherishes our special sense of place, please complete the above membership form and mail it to Preserve Granbury.  Of, if you prefer online accessibility, simply click here to the membership level of your choice.

Cherishing Our Sense of Place
Hood County grew by 41% from 1990 to 2000, and is expected to have 62,000 people by 2020.  This rapid growth has brought dramatic changes to our community.  Preserve Granbury is working to preserve the charm and special sense of place that makes us all want to live in Hood County.

Preserving the Past
Granbury and Hood County are known throughout Texas for our community’s early historic preservation efforts and successes.  But, as time goes by, more and more local landmarks have become historic and should be cherished while others have been lost to our community forever.

Gone from Granbury
Within the past two decades, our community has lost many significant historic landmarks, including the Methodist Episcopal church built by the county’s African American residents. Every resource is a reflection of its own time in the continuum of Hood County’s unique history. Buildings like the Brazos Motel reflect the uniquely American culture created during the “Nifty Fifties.”

Planning Your Vibrant Growth
Regular strategic planning enables Preserve Granbury to strengthen support for historic preservation through a variety of projects.  These projects include ongoing educational events, a dynamic website and social media, and strong advocacy for public policies that preserve our environment and material culture.

Membership Levels


These members receive information on events and issues and may attend general membership meetings without the privilege of voting or serving as a director. Associate members may serve on Preserve Granbury’s working committees.


These members receive full membership benefits, including one vote per member at the annual meeting.

$65 (2 family members)

These members receive full membership benefits, including one vote per member at the annual meeting.


This membership includes full membership benefits for up to three members of the same company, including one vote per person at the annual meeting.

$250 (1 or 2 family members)

This membership level includes full membership benefits for those individuals or couples who are dedicated to preserving Hood County’s heritage.